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The phrase "different types of" typically refers to multiple categories or varieties within a particular group, suggesting a range of options or classifications. In contrast, "different type of" implies a singular category or variety that is distinct from another, often focusing on a specific instance or class. For example, "different types of fruit" indicates various fruits like apples and oranges, while "different type of fruit" might refer to a specific category, such as tropical fruit versus berries. Using "types" emphasizes diversity, whereas "type" highlights distinction.

  • Examples of different types of

    How to use different types of in a sentence

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    Stress management can be complicated and confusing because there are different types of stress — acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress ...

    Dec 23, 2013 ... The 10 Different Types of Texters. 15.7k. Shares. 15.7k.

    Not all flu is created equal: Some different types of flu can make you very ill, while other types of flu cause milder symptoms. Read on to learn about the different types of flu.

    What are the different types of annuities? Annuities · Basics · What is an annuity? What are the

    Different types of writing – text types ; Factual description. Describes a place or thing using facts. Features: · landscape descriptions ; Factual ...

    Learn about the different types of memories we have and what their functions are.

    9 different types of poetry. Poetry can seem intimidating, especially if you feel you're not as well versed as others. But the world of poetry ...

    What Are the Different Types of Athletic Shoes? ; Pick a Shoe to Match Your Sport. 1 ; Running Shoes. 2 ; Minimalist Shoes. 3 ; Walking Shoes. 4 ...

    There are many different types of depression. Events in your life cause some, and chemical changes in your brain cause others.

  • Examples of different type of

    How to use different type of in a sentence

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    Schools and companies usually buy a different type of Office license.

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    Removal profile of sulfate ion from mix ion solution with a different type and configuration of anion exchange membrane in elctrodialysis.

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