defense vs defence

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
defense ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Defense" and "defence" are two spellings of the same word, with "defense" being the preferred form in American English and "defence" used in British English and other varieties of English. Both terms refer to the act of protecting or guarding against attack or harm. The difference in spelling reflects broader variations in English usage across different regions. Despite this distinction, the meanings remain identical, and the choice of spelling typically depends on the audience or context. Understanding these variations is important for effective communication in a globalized world.

  • Beispiele für “defense” im Internet

    The team's strong defense helped them win the championship.

    In court, the lawyer presented a solid defense for his client.

    The country invested heavily in its military defense systems.

    She felt that her best defense was to remain calm under pressure.

    The defense of the castle was impenetrable during the siege.

    He relied on his friends for emotional defense during tough times.

    The defense strategy was revised after the last game.

    In sports, a good defense can often lead to a quick counterattack.

    The defense attorney argued that the evidence was circumstantial.

    They built a strong defense against cyber threats to protect their data.

  • Beispiele für “defence” im Internet

    The team's strong defence helped them win the match.

    In times of war, a nation's defence is of utmost importance.

    She studied law to specialize in defence strategies for criminal cases.

    The defence attorney presented compelling evidence to support his client.

    A solid defence can deter potential threats to national security.

    The defence of the castle was impenetrable during the siege.

    He felt a sense of defence when his friends stood up for him.

    The defence budget was increased to improve military capabilities.

    In sports, a good defence can turn the tide of the game.

    The defence mechanism of the body helps fight off infections.

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