coworker vs co-worker

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
coworker ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

The terms "coworker" and "co-worker" both refer to individuals who work together in the same organization or workplace. "Coworker" is the more commonly used form, often seen as a single, unhyphenated word in modern usage. In contrast, "co-worker" with a hyphen is considered a more traditional spelling, though it is less frequently used today. Both terms convey the same meaning, but "coworker" has gained popularity in contemporary language. Ultimately, the choice between the two often comes down to personal or organizational preference.

  • Beispiele für “coworker” im Internet

    I often collaborate with my coworker on important projects.

    My coworker always brings great ideas to the table.

    It's essential to maintain a good relationship with your coworker.

    During lunch, I enjoy chatting with my coworker about our weekend plans.

    My coworker helped me understand the new software we are using.

    We celebrated my coworker's birthday with a surprise party at the office.

    I appreciate my coworker's support during challenging times.

    Our coworker team is known for its strong work ethic.

    I often seek advice from my coworker when facing difficult tasks.

    Having a friendly coworker makes the work environment much more enjoyable.

  • Beispiele für “co-worker” im Internet

    I often collaborate with my co worker on various projects.

    My co worker always brings great ideas to the table.

    It's important to maintain a good relationship with your co worker.

    I appreciate my co worker for their support during tough times.

    We had a team lunch with our co worker to celebrate our success.

    My co worker and I share similar interests outside of work.

    I rely on my co worker for feedback on my presentations.

    Our co worker is always willing to help when someone is in need.

    I enjoy brainstorming sessions with my co worker.

    Having a friendly co worker makes the work environment much better.

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