breathe vs breath

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
breathe ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Breathe" and "breath" are related but serve different grammatical functions. "Breathe" is a verb that describes the action of inhaling and exhaling air, as in "I breathe deeply to relax." In contrast, "breath" is a noun that refers to the air taken in or expelled, such as in "Take a deep breath before speaking." Understanding the distinction between these two words is essential for clear communication, especially in contexts related to health and wellness.

  • Beispiele für “breathe” im Internet

    I need to breathe deeply to calm my nerves.

    It's important to breathe fresh air every morning.

    She took a moment to breathe and collect her thoughts.

    The doctor advised him to breathe slowly during the exam.

    When you exercise, remember to breathe steadily.

    He felt a sense of relief as he could finally breathe again.

    The yoga instructor taught us how to breathe properly.

    Inhale through your nose and breathe out through your mouth.

    Sometimes, all you need is to step outside and breathe.

    The baby took its first breathe after being born.

  • Beispiele für “breath” im Internet

    She took a deep breath before speaking.

    The cold air made her breath visible in the morning light.

    After running, he needed a moment to catch his breath.

    The doctor listened to her breath with a stethoscope.

    A sigh of relief escaped her breath when she heard the news.

    He held his breath as he waited for the results.

    The breath of fresh air was invigorating after being indoors.

    She felt a breath of inspiration as she watched the sunset.

    The breath of life is a precious gift we often take for granted.

    With each breath, he felt more at peace with his decision.

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