born vs borne

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born ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Born" and "borne" are often confused due to their similar spelling and pronunciation, but they have distinct meanings. "Born" is the past participle of "bear" in the context of giving birth, referring specifically to the act of being brought into life, as in "She was born in 1990." In contrast, "borne" is the past participle of "bear" when used to indicate carrying or supporting something, as in "He has borne the weight of responsibility." Understanding the context in which each word is used is key to using them correctly.

  • Beispiele für “born” im Internet

    She was born in a small town.

    He was born to be a leader.

    They were born on the same day.

    The artist was born with a unique talent.

    She felt she was born for adventure.

    He was born into a wealthy family.

    The baby was born healthy and strong.

    She believes everyone is born with a purpose.

    He was born in the wrong era.

    They say great minds are born not made.

  • Beispiele für “borne” im Internet

    The weight of the world has been borne by those who strive for change.

    She has borne the responsibility of caring for her family alone.

    The scars he carries are a testament to the battles he has borne.

    In times of hardship, the strength we have borne can lead us to resilience.

    The legacy of her kindness is a burden she has borne with grace.

    He has borne witness to the beauty and pain of life.

    The truth must be borne in mind when making difficult decisions.

    They have borne the consequences of their actions with dignity.

    The love she has borne for her children is immeasurable.

    Through every challenge, she has borne her fears and emerged stronger.

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