benefited vs benefitted: Was ist richtig?

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benefited oder benefitted: Bedeutung und Hauptunterschiede

"Benefited" and "benefitted" are two spellings of the same verb, meaning to receive an advantage or profit from something. "Benefited" is the preferred spelling in American English, while "benefitted" is more commonly used in British English. Both forms are correct, but the choice between them often depends on the regional variation of English being used. In general, "benefited" is more widely accepted in formal writing, especially in the U.S. Ultimately, the context and audience should guide which spelling to use.

  • Examples of benefited

    How to use benefited in a sentence

    The community has greatly benefited from the new park facilities.

    Many students have benefited from the scholarship program.

    The company has benefited significantly from the recent merger.

    She benefited from the advice of her mentor during her career.

    Our health has benefited from the changes in our diet.

    The research project has benefited the local economy.

    He benefited from the training sessions offered by the organization.

    The environment has benefited from the new conservation efforts.

    They have benefited from the collaboration with international partners.

    The team benefited from the feedback received after the presentation.

  • Examples of benefitted

    How to use benefitted in a sentence

    The new policy has benefitted many employees in the company.

    She felt that the training program benefitted her career development significantly.

    The community has benefitted from the recent investment in local infrastructure.

    His decision to volunteer has benefitted both him and the organization.

    The research findings have benefitted the scientific community greatly.

    They realized that the changes in the curriculum benefitted the students' learning experience.

    The charity event benefitted several families in need.

    Her participation in the workshop benefitted her understanding of the subject.

    The new software has benefitted the team by improving their workflow.

    The partnership has benefitted both companies involved in the project.

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