apologize vs apologise

Eine vollständige Suche im Internet hat folgende Ergebnisse erbracht:
apologize ist die beliebteste Phrase im Internet.

Wie unterscheiden sich diese Begriffe?

"Apologize" and "apologise" are two spellings of the same verb, meaning to express regret for an offense or mistake. The former is the American English spelling, while the latter is used in British English and other varieties of English outside the U.S. Despite the difference in spelling, both words are pronounced the same way and carry the same meaning. This distinction reflects broader variations in English spelling conventions between American and British English. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the audience and regional preferences.

  • Beispiele für “apologize” im Internet

    I want to apologize for my mistake in the meeting.

    She decided to apologize to her friend for being late.

    He felt it was important to apologize after the misunderstanding.

    They should apologize for their behavior at the party.

    I will apologize if I hurt your feelings.

    It's never too late to apologize for past actions.

    We need to apologize to the team for the oversight.

    She wrote a letter to apologize for her absence.

    He called to apologize and explain his side of the story.

    I hope you can accept my apologize for the inconvenience caused.

  • Beispiele für “apologise” im Internet

    I want to apologise for my mistake in the meeting.

    She decided to apologise after realizing her error.

    It's important to apologise when you hurt someone's feelings.

    He called to apologise for being late to the dinner.

    They should apologise for the misunderstanding that occurred.

    I must apologise for not responding to your message sooner.

    We need to apologise to the team for the oversight.

    She felt it was necessary to apologise publicly for her comments.

    He wrote a letter to apologise for his behavior at the party.

    To maintain a good relationship, it's best to apologise when you're wrong.

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