该用 realize 还是 realise?

realize 是人们最常用的表达方式。

区分 realize 和 realise?:意思和差异

"Realize" 和 "realise" 的区别主要在于拼写。前者是美式英语的写法,而后者是英式英语的写法。两者的发音和含义相同,都表示“意识到”或“实现”。在美国,通常使用“realize”,而在英国及其他一些国家则使用“realise”。因此,选择哪个拼写取决于你所使用的英语变体。

  • realize的例句

    例句中 realize 的用法

    I didn't realize how much I needed a break until I took one.

    She began to realize the importance of her education.

    It took me a while to realize that I was in love with her.

    He didn't realize the impact of his words on others.

    As I read the book, I started to realize the deeper meaning behind the story.

    They finally realize that teamwork is essential for success.

    I hope you realize how much you mean to me.

    After the meeting, I began to realize the challenges we face.

    She will realize her dreams if she works hard enough.

    Sometimes it takes a moment to realize what truly matters in life.

  • realise的例句

    例句中 realise 的用法

    I didn't realise how much I needed a break until I took one.

    She began to realise the importance of her health after the doctor’s visit.

    It took him a while to realise that he was in love with her.

    When I saw the results, I couldn't realise how far I had come.

    They didn't realise the impact of their words until it was too late.

    I hope you realise how much you mean to me.

    As the sun set, I started to realise the beauty of the moment.

    She finally began to realise her dreams after years of hard work.

    I didn't realise that the meeting was rescheduled until I arrived.

    He will soon realise that honesty is the best policy.

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