该用 neither 还是 nor?

neither 是人们最常用的表达方式。

区分 neither 和 nor?:意思和差异

"Neither" 和 "nor" 在用法上有明显区别。"Neither" 通常用于表示两个事物都不,包括在句子开头或中间;而 "nor" 则用于连接两个否定的部分,通常跟在 "neither" 后面。比如,"Neither A nor B" 表示 A 和 B 都不成立。总的来说,"neither" 是单独的否定词,而 "nor" 是连接词。两者常常一起使用,形成完整的否定句。

  • neither的例句

    例句中 neither 的用法

    Neither option seemed appealing to her.

    He was neither tired nor hungry after the long journey.

    Neither of the teams managed to score a goal.

    The results were neither conclusive nor informative.

    She felt neither happy nor sad about the news.

    Neither of the solutions solved

  • nor的例句

    例句中 nor 的用法

    The cat is neither black nor white.

    She likes neither coffee nor tea.

    He can play the guitar nor the piano.

    I want neither pizza nor pasta for dinner.

    They are neither happy nor sad about the news.

    You should choose neither option nor the other.

    The book is neither interesting nor informative.

    She speaks neither French nor Spanish fluently.

    We found neither the keys nor the wallet.

    He is neither a doctor nor a lawyer.

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