该用 mustache 还是 moustache?

mustache 是人们最常用的表达方式。

区分 mustache 和 moustache?:意思和差异

"Mustache" 和 "moustache" 是同一个词的两种拼写方式,分别是美式英语和英式英语的写法。美式英语通常使用 "mustache",而英式英语则使用 "moustache"。两者的发音相同,均指代上唇上的胡须。虽然拼写不同,但在实际使用中没有意义上的差异。选择哪种拼写通常取决于所使用的英语变体。

  • mustache的例句

    例句中 mustache 的用法

    He decided to grow a mustache for the summer.

    The actor's mustache became a signature look in the film.

    She complimented him on his well-groomed mustache.

    A thick mustache can change the way a person looks.

    He twirled his mustache while deep in thought.

    The mustache trend has made a comeback in recent years.

    He painted a portrait of a man with a magnificent mustache.

    The detective's mustache was as iconic as his trench coat.

    She laughed at the silly mustache he drew on his face.

    A mustache can be a symbol of masculinity in some cultures.

  • moustache的例句

    例句中 moustache 的用法

    He decided to grow a moustache for the upcoming costume party.

    The detective's moustache was his signature look, making him easily recognizable.

    She laughed when she saw her brother's attempt at a moustache made of paper.

    In the 19th century, a well-groomed moustache was a symbol of masculinity.

    He twirled his moustache thoughtfully while pondering the mystery.

    The actor sported a thick moustache that became iconic in the film industry.

    Her grandfather had a bushy moustache that he took great pride in grooming.

    During the competition, he styled his moustache in a unique way to impress the judges.

    The moustache trend has made a comeback in recent years, with many men embracing it.

    She painted a portrait of her husband, highlighting his distinguished moustache.

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