该用 fish 还是 fishes?

fish 是人们最常用的表达方式。

区分 fish 和 fishes?:意思和差异


  • fish的例句

    例句中 fish 的用法

    The chef prepared a delicious fish dish for dinner.

    My favorite hobby is to go fishing on weekends.

    The aquarium was filled with colorful fish swimming gracefully.

    He caught a big fish during his trip to the lake.

    We learned about different types of fish in biology class.

    She decided to become a marine biologist to study fish and their habitats.

    The fisherman returned home with a basket full of fresh fish.

    I enjoy watching documentaries about fishing techniques around the world.

    The fish market was bustling with activity early in the morning.

    They served a special fish curry that was a hit at the restaurant.

  • fishes的例句

    例句中 fishes 的用法

    The aquarium is home to many different types of fishes.

    In the ocean, fishes swim gracefully among the coral reefs.

    Some fishes can change color to blend in with their surroundings.

    The chef prepared a delicious meal featuring fresh fishes from the market.

    Children love to watch fishes swimming in the pond at the park.

    Many fishes migrate to warmer waters during the winter months.

    The biologist studied the behavior of various fishes in their natural habitat.

    In mythology, fishes are often symbols of abundance and prosperity.

    Aquarists often keep a variety of fishes to create a vibrant underwater ecosystem.

    The documentary highlighted the importance of protecting endangered fishes species.

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